Destination Procrastination

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Hi, I’m Abby and I am a chronic procrastinator. 

I said I was going to upload a new blog post every Monday and it’s only my first week of having my website live and here I am putting up my post on Wednesday night.

God help me! Seriously I have read all the books, listened to all the experts, have done all the trainings and I still struggle with this. Ugh! 

This is what I’ve learned:

  1. Procrastination slows down your progress because you’re stuck in indecision and brain fog so you accomplish less & less. 
  2. Procrastination is your brains way of protecting you from doubts & fears.
  3. Fear is just imagining a negative outcome for an action you haven’t even taken yet. 
  4. The only way to overcome this negative habit is to be willing to be uncomfortable and then take action quickly before you can talk yourself out of it. 

So if I know that then why do I continue to allow inaction to keep me from doing the things I know I’m meant to do? 

I honestly have no idea and it’s frustrating!

But I do know that action is the only way I can overcome this. So here I am taking action even though it’s been a long day and I’m exhausted. Even though I have all the thoughts of being a failure for not doing this sooner. Even though I’m fearful of blogging and not measuring up. Here I am taking action and doing it anyways.


Because even though I struggle with procrastination I also have big dreams & big goals & I know I’m meant to be here. So I’m here taking action & imperfectly showing up to what I feel called to do. 

If you struggle with procrastination too then I highly recommend the book ‘The 5 Second Rule’ by Mel Robbins. It’s seriously one of the best books I’ve ever read. Well actually I listened to it on Audible, but either way check it out if you also struggle with ‘destination procrastination’ on a regular basis and are looking for strategies to combat it. 

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