Hey there! I'm Abby!!

I am a wife, mom of 2 and woman of faith who’s a total foodie and beneath it all just a girl who wishes she lived in a cute beach town because this girl wasn’t made for Midwest living! 

I’m from the Chicago suburbs and have lived here all of my life. I married this really cute guy that I actually met for the first time when we were 11yrs old. Paul was my high school sweetheart and we exchanged vows in July of 2000. We have two amazing kids who bring so much joy to our lives but right now they are teenagers so we are just praying real hard through this parenting season. 

So like I previously mentioned, I love food!, but years ago learned that if I wanted to be able to zip up my jeans and stop buying the next size up that I had to learn how to find healthier versions of the foods I loved. I have always loved to cook & bake. Being in the kitchen just makes me happy! Over the years I’ve compiled all of my favorite cleaned up recipes and my plan is to create an e-book for you! Because I know so many are struggling just like the old me who used to be a total soda drinking, oreo snacking, carb overloaded, sugar addicted girl who worked out an hour+ a day teaching group fitness classes but wasn’t getting the results I was looking for. I hated my body and had all the negative self talk swirling around in my head all day long. Basically I was a mess inside and out. It was my life and I was stuck in its vicious cycle. I wanted out. I knew I was made for more but I didn’t know how to change. 

Who would have thought that in 2009 an at-home fitness program would be the catalyst to forever change my life. Yep, I’m one of those girls who did P90X then joined as a Coach and started paying it forward helping other women get fit from home too. Beachbody brought the idea of daily personal development into my life and a community of motivating & encouraging women who inspired me to level up my life. 

Here’s the thing, growing in my relationship with Christ, diving into personal development books/audio, prioritizing my marriage and relationship with my kids, eating clean food, & working out at home totally changed my life. It didn’t happen all at once but once I figured each area out I found my life shifted and I began to truly love & accept me for who God created me to be.