Am I really doing this?!

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Am I really doing this?! 

As I finally sit down to write my first blog I seriously can’t believe that I’m actually doing this. For years I have had this pull on my heart to blog but I’ve been ignoring it. Why? Because I am afraid I will fail. I’m afraid no one will read it. Or even worse that people will and I’ll be judged. All the insecure thoughts and doubt swirl around in my head until I’m frozen in fear and simply do nothing. 

I kept saying that when I get a website put together then I will blog. Well I have procrastinated and made excuses about building a website for about 5yrs but God kept putting that tug on my heart to keep moving. Even at my snails pace. And he put the right people in my path to speak right to my fears and help me get this rolling. I really have no more excuses since He put the artistic Erin Manning in my path to get my brand and logo on point and the talented Jen Goding who took my website vision and made it a reality. 

So my website is about to go live any day now and all I have left to do is write a few blog posts and in true Abby style I wait until the 11th hour to even sit down to write with no plan other than to pray and start writing. 

Jeremiah 29:11 is my life verse and I know that God has a good & perfect plan for my life. I just need to follow His lead. One big thing I have learned in my 39yrs on this earth is that right outside our comfort zone is where we find success and that our greatest gifts are often found on the other side of our greatest fears. So I am stepping forth, in faith, into the hard & uncomfortable and believing that God’s plan & vision for my life is greater than anything I could ever imagine. 

So here’s to a brand new chapter of my life with the hope & vision that my next 40yrs will be even better than the last!

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